Monday, November 3, 2008

In the Middle of the Night

The Boy and I sleep in the same bed an average of 4 nights per week.  He has a full-size bed (I know) with no head/foot board.  I have a queen size bed with both.  On nights we do sleep over, one or both of us inevitably doesn't sleep well.

I'm a cover stealer.  He's a sprawler.  I'm a light sleeper.  He turns a lot.  He rarely snores though, so that's good at least.  He likes to make note of the times when I'm falling asleep and do one of those weird muscle spasm things.  Last night, I woke up to him shaking me asking if I was alright.  Apparently, I started moaning in my sleep, and he thought I was dying.  I'm guessing I was in the middle of a dream.  I was definitely in a deep sleep came to confused and groggy assuring The Boy that I was in fact ok and he could go back to sleep.

So I wonder... does it get better?  Will we eventually get used to the other one next to us, or are we going to need to resort to buying a king sized bed?  

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