I'm used to a very large traditional meal with more food (and more caseroles than you can name) available than could possibly be finished. While, The Boy's family had all the traditional stuff, it was on a much smaller scale than I was used to - both by attendee numbers and quantity of food. We had a great time though, and it was really nice to meet more of his family.
Last weekend, The Boy's family invited me to a very special family ceremony honoring one of his uncles. If I thought I got off the hook easy with only meeting a few relatives at Thanksgiving, then this was a giant fisherman's net. I met aunts, uncles, cousins, great-aunts, great-uncles and a few family friends thrown in there. I was even "welcomed to the family" by a few of them.
One of the funniest events of the weekend, however, came when we were taking our assigned seats for the ceremony. The Boy's mother had called in to include all our names on the seats. Something went wrong in the communication because I ended up being "X. The Boy's Last Name." His mom thought it was hilarious, and I got a pretty good chuckle out of it as well. The Boy was somewhere between rolling-his eyes and displeased at his parents' giddiness over a possible name change for me.
I was thrilled to find out that his family is completely normal and really, very, very nice. I'd be happy to join their family.
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